Tickets Now Available!
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Certain fees may apply when purchase online. Thank you
Reservations for the Island of Praise are available to be booked at the Discounted group rate for stays from June 06, 2019 to June 10, 2019.
Click Schlitterbahn Logo

Pictures Of 2018
Bands/Musicians Only Contact John 956.279.2306
Allow IOP The
Blessing of Giving
For Island of Praise 2019we offer to give away a pair of concert tickets together with two complimentary dinners to bless two believers who want to worship with us.
Do the survey to the right, choose your favorite Island of Praise restaurant and register for a chance to win the "concert and dinner" package.
More information will be coming out over this month prior to the Island of Praise Worship Event. Join our Praise Club to be updated as the news comes out for more worship teams coming on board and updates on schedules so you get to praise with your favorite worship performers.
Many of the time slots are filled; but there are a few slots open still. We would like to offer to worship leaders and Christian worship groups to share their calling with the family of God

Island of Praise is just not about an event, it is about a movement of God’s people uniting together to worship and give praise to our God, the giver of life. When we talk to people about Island of Praise, we like to tell them that Biker’s have Bike Fest, College Students have Spring Break and now we have Island of Praise. On this day, communities of people will gather at Schlitterbahn Water Park at South Padre Island, Texas for the worship event of the summer
Hope to see you there

Tickets Pickup Locations:
Rio Grande Bible Institute Book Store
4300 S. Closner
Edinburg, TX 78539
(956) 380-8135
Saturday June 8th, 2019 @ Schlitterbahn Water Park SPI!
We are eager to see everyone @ our 10th year anniversary of Island of Praise. Stay tuned for more details.
Thank you.
Isaiah 42:10
Sing to the LORD a new song, Sing His praise from the end of the earth! You who go down to the sea, and all that is in it You islands, and those who dwell on them.

To gather people that love Jesus, regardless of race, denomination, or creed, to worship Jesus and play together as the Family of God.